Die Dollar-Queen 1990

Drama Romance

Spanning years of both Harry and Leona Helmsley's cutthroat control of their eponymonous empire, this made-for-TV movie chronicles both the high and low points of the couple's life together.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Leona Helmsley: The Queen of Mean Leona Helmsley: The Queen of Mean
  • BR: Leona Helmsley, a Rainha da Maldade Leona Helmsley, a Rainha da Maldade
  • BG: Леона Хелмсли: Кралицата на разкоша Леона Хелмсли: Кралицата на разкоша
  • HU: Leona Helmsley: A fukarság királynője Leona Helmsley: A fukarság királynője
  • PL: Leona Helmsley: Królowa skąpstwa Leona Helmsley: Królowa skąpstwa
  • ES: Leona Helmsley: La reina del delito Leona Helmsley: La reina del delito
Data di rilascio 23 Sep 1990
Link IMDb
