Zum Abschied Mord 1992

Action Thriller

Ted and Sarah Clinton notice a boat being violently hurled around by a storm just off their beach-house and go out to help the occupants, a young teacher called Vanessa and her boyfriend Shawn. But when it turns out that the boat ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Shadow of a Stranger Shadow of a Stranger
  • AR: La sombra de un extraño La sombra de un extraño
  • CA: Désir meurtrier Désir meurtrier
  • FI: Myrskyn syvyyksissä Myrskyn syvyyksissä
  • FR: Week-end meurtrier Week-end meurtrier
  • IT: L'ombra dello straniero L'ombra dello straniero
  • PT: A Sombra de Um Estranho A Sombra de Um Estranho
  • ES: La sombra de un extraño La sombra de un extraño
  • SE: Djupt vatten Djupt vatten
  • US: Shadow of a Stranger Shadow of a Stranger
Data di rilascio 07 Dec 1992
Link IMDb
